Labor Court returns millions of reais forgotten in court accounts.
Labor Court returns millions of reais forgotten in court accounts
Millions of reais forgotten in court accounts are being transferred to the labor courts to their owners. Most of the values belong to companies in finished shares (unappealable).
In the Regional Labor Court (TRT) of São Paulo, the largest in the country, employers received R $ 25.4 million out of a total of approximately R $ 35 million.
The identification was only possible with the donation in 2019 of the program called “Sistema Garimpo”, which allows the crossing of data from filed files with information from Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF).
The Paulista Court was one of the first to adopt the software, developed by the TRT of Rio Grande do Norte.
In May of last year, at an event in Brasília organized by the Superior Council for Labor Justice (CSJT), all regional offices in the country committed themselves to using the tool.
The software, however, does not identify the owners of the securities, only the amount still pending in a judicial account. This later work is done naturally.
These forgotten resources belong to the parties – worker or company, which may have made an overdraft – to lawyers and experts or even the Union, through credits and taxes, such as the social security contribution.
Source: Valor Econômico newspaper 02/04/2020